1. How does the contest work? 2. When is the deadline to enter my picks? 3. What if I don't pick an answer for a question? 4. Are there prizes? 5. If the event has already started can I still play? 6. How does the scoring work? 7. How are ties broken? 8. Why doesn't my password work? 9. How soon are answers updated? 10. Where can I find the official rules for this contest? 11. How do Private Groups work? 12. How do I join a Private Group? 13. How do I create a Private Group? 14. How do I manage a Private Group? 15. To whom do I direct scoring disputes and other questions not answered on this page?
How does the contest work? Pick your answer for each week 's question before the cutoff time.
When is the deadline to enter my picks? You can pick the winner right up to the cutoff time which is published for each question.
What if I don't pick an answer for a question ? If you don't pick the computer will pick the most picked answer for you.
Are there prizes? Yes! See all prizes.
If the event has already started can I still play? Only if the questions are still open for you to answer. Your overall score is the sum of your top 25 weeks. So you can still win even if you start late.
How does the scoring work? Each question can be worth 1 to 5 points. The points for each question are clearly marked.
How are ties broken? --- For an individual week --- Fans pick an answer for each question along with an answer for the tie-breaker question. The computer then takes all the fans tied and then checks to see if they got the tie-breaker question correct. If there are still ties the computer orders the fans randomly. --- For the overall winner --- Fans pick an answer for each question along with an answer for the tie-breaker question for the last week . The computer then takes all the fans tied and then checks to see if they got the tie-breaker question correct for the last week . If there are still ties the computer orders the fans randomly.
Why doesn't my password work? If you're having trouble logging in try our login help page.
How soon are answers updated? Depends. Generally that day.
Where can I find the official rules for this contest? Official Rules.
How do Private Groups work? Private Groups are a way for you to play along with a group of co-workers, friends, family, etc. Once you are logged in, in the upper left is a link to "My Private Groups". If you click on that you can see that you can join up to three private groups and create/manage one as well. A private group can have up to 50 people in it.
How do I join a Private Group? Someone must first invite you to join their Private Group. If they do you'll receive an email with the instructions on how to join.
How do I create a Private Group? Once you are logged in, in the upper left click on the "My Private Groups" link. Toward the bottom click on a link that says "Create a Private Group". You'll be asked to enter a group name, a password, and to confirm your password. The next page allows you to enter the email addresses for friends, co-workers, family, etc. that you'd like to play along with you. An email will be sent out with instructions on how to join your group.
How do I manage a Private Group? Assuming you are logged in and you've already created a Private Group, in the upper left click on the "My Private Groups" link. Then click on the group you've reated toward the bottom of the page. This will take you to the homepage that shows the scores for everyone in your group along with "Trash Talk". Trash Talk is a message board where you can post messages that only members in your group can see. Along the top of the page are links to "Email the Group", "Change Password", "Invite Members", and "Remove Members". In order, these links allow you to send a quick email to everyone in your group, change your group password, invite new people to join your group, and to remove members from your group (or to add them back).
To whom do I direct scoring disputes and other questions not answered on this page? You can send a comment on our feedback page.