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Official Rules

The Rotary Club of Cochrane, along with The Trail’s Steering Committee, are inviting Albertans from across the province to suggest the NAME FOR THE CALGARY TO COCHRANE TRAIL. Suggested names can be submitted on this site.

Suggested names can be submitted between 6 AM, January 19, 2022 and Midnight, February 13, 2012. A selection committee will choose the final name from all submissions received. The selection committee’s decision is final in the name selection. 

The winning name will be subject to a Copyright verification of its legal availability for use as the name of The Trail. If copyright is unavailable or unattainable, another suggested name may be chosen. Once copyright on a chosen name is verified, the winning name submitter will be contacted by email.

While minors (<18 years) may enter the contest, final acceptance of the minor’s entry and acceptance of the Prize(s) requires the approval and accompaniment of an adult guardian of the contest entrant. This contest is void where prohibited by law.

Winners will be notified by email. If a winner is unreachable after seven (7) days, an alternate winner may be selected. If the selected name for The Trail has been submitted by multiple persons during the contest period, a random draw will be made among all similar entries to choose the winner.

The winning entrant will receive a ONE NIGHT STAY, INCLUDING BREAKFAST, in the KING ROOM at, A BEAR And BISON CANADIAN COUNTRY INN, CANMORE, ALBERTA (Value of $249.00 + Tax). As well, the Winner will receive NAMING RECOGNITION AT THE TRAIL HEAD LOCATION. 

The Trail Steering Committee reserves the right to substitute any prize with another prize of equal or greater value.

The Contest is only open to Alberta residents. The Trail Steering Committee reserves the right to verify entrant’s primary residence is within the province of Alberta, Canada. Prize winners may need to provide proof of primary address.

The Trail Steering Committee, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising sponsors and promotional agencies, and the immediate family members of each are not eligible to enter the contest.

Contest entrants agree to abide by the terms of these Official Rules and by the decisions of the contest commissioners, which are final on all matters pertaining to the contest.

Entrants further grant to The Trail Steering Committee the right to use and publish their proper name and city online and in print, or any other media, in connection with the Contest.

Entrants further grant to The Trail Steering Committee the right to take a photo of the prize being awarded and the right to publish this image in print, or any other media, in connection with the Contest.

The Trail Steering Committee reserves the right to use any and all information related to the Contest, including information on contestants obtained through the contest, for marketing purposes or any other purpose, unless prohibited by law.

The Contest and all of the related pages, contents and code are copyright, The Trail Steering Committee and/or Great West Media LP. Copying or unauthorized use of any copyrighted materials, trademarks or any other intellectual property without the express written consent of its owner is strictly prohibited.

Each winner, by acceptance of the prize, agrees to release all Sponsors, and their parent and subsidiary companies, their officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders, affiliates, suppliers, distributors, and advertising agencies from all liability, claims, or actions of any kind whatsoever for injuries, damages, or losses to persons and property which may be sustained in connection with the receipt, ownership, or use of the prize.

The Steering Committee and/or Great West Media are not responsible for Internet crashes or slowdowns caused by network congestion, viruses, sabotage, satellite failures, phone line failures, electrical outages, natural disasters or acts of man or God.

All results posted are unofficial until winners respond to e-mail notification.

The Steering Committee reserves the right to change the rules at any time.

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